La gestión de la comunicación en las organizaciones de salud
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La comunicación social constituye un campo de reciente incorporación en el ámbito hospitalario, y en este trabajo nos proponemos comprender el modo en que se han ido conformando, las dificultades para insertarse en el medio y los modelos que subyacen en las prácticas y formas de trabajo de las áreas de comunicación en hospitales públicos. A partir del relevamiento de dichas áreas, en un conjunto de hospitales públicos, se analizaron distintas variables tales como estructura, dependencia, funciones y acciones, para observar por un lado similitudes y diferencias, y por otra parte para comprender la lógica a partir de la cual se organizan y se articulan en la dinámica de la gestión hospitalaria.
Social communication constitutes a field of recent incorporation in the hospital environment, and in this work we intend to understand the way in which they have been formed, the difficulties to insert themselves in the environment and the models that underlie the practices and ways of working of communication areas in public hospitals. Based on the survey of these areas in a set of public hospitals, different variables such as structure, dependency, functions and actions were analyzed, to observe, similarities and differences, and others experiences to understand the logic from which it was established organized and articulated in the dynamics of hospital management.
Social communication constitutes a field of recent incorporation in the hospital environment, and in this work we intend to understand the way in which they have been formed, the difficulties to insert themselves in the environment and the models that underlie the practices and ways of working of communication areas in public hospitals. Based on the survey of these areas in a set of public hospitals, different variables such as structure, dependency, functions and actions were analyzed, to observe, similarities and differences, and others experiences to understand the logic from which it was established organized and articulated in the dynamics of hospital management.
Palabras clave
Comunicación organizacional, Comunicación estratégica, Hospitales públicos, Organizational communication, Strategic communication, Public hospitals
Poccioni, M. T., Lois, I., Montori, F., Ramírez, S., Longa, J. y López, J. S. (2023). La gestión de la comunicación en las organizaciones de salud. Contribuciones de Ciencia y Tecnología, 1(1).