La salud comunitaria en construcción : La experiencia de una asignatura de la carrera de medicina en una universidad del conurbano
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El proyecto de investigación consistió en analizar las representaciones y prácticas ligadas a la salud comunitaria de docentes y estudiantes de la asignatura Articulación Comunitaria. En esta materia, que se cursa en un Centro de Atención Primaria (CAPS), se articulan los contenidos teóricos con las condiciones socioeconómicas que determinan los problemas de salud, observados en escenarios reales de la práctica. Por esto, la asignatura resulta fundamental para la construcción de saberes anclados en la perspectiva de la Salud Comunitaria que caracteriza a la carrera de medicina de la Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche (UNAJ).
Utilizamos un enfoque relacional que nos permitió poner en tensión las perspectivas de los diferentes actores. Las dimensiones que tomamos para el análisis fueron las representaciones respecto de la comunidad y el proceso salud – enfermedad – atención – cuidado; y las prácticas de intervención en el territorio donde se encuentra el CAPS.
En la investigación encontramos que los docentes y estudiantes construyen una idea de comunidad romantizada y homogénea, que funciona para el paradigma de la salud comunitaria como un horizonte de utopía contrapuesto al individualismo que caracteriza al saber biomédico. Los estudiantes se apropian de esta postura, pero, en su homogeneidad, la comunidad pasa a ocupar el mismo lugar que el cuerpo biológico en el modelo médico hegemónico. Los estudiantes se aproximan a la comunidad con fines altruistas considerando que tienen el saber necesario para solucionar sus problemas sanitarios.
The research project consisted of analyzing the representations and practices connected to the community health of teachers and students from the Articulación Comunitaria subject. In this subject, taught in a Primary Care Center (CAP), theoretical contents from other subjects are linked with the socioeconomic status that cause health problems observed in real-life scenarios. That is why the subject is essential for building knowledge tied to the Community Health perspective that characterizes the Medicine degree in the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ). We used a relational approach that allowed us to have a critical view and contrast the different agents’ perspectives. The scope of analysis were the representations concerning the community and the health-disease-treatment-care process, and the intervention practices in the area where the CAP is located. In the research we found out that teachers and students create a romanticized and homogeneous idea of community which for the community health paradigm serves as a utopia, as opposed to the individualism that characterizes the biomedical knowledge. Students adopt this stand but as it is so homogeneous, it ends up taking the same place the biological body has in the hegemonic medical model. Students approach the community with altruistic motives and consider they have the necessary knowledge to solve its health problems.
The research project consisted of analyzing the representations and practices connected to the community health of teachers and students from the Articulación Comunitaria subject. In this subject, taught in a Primary Care Center (CAP), theoretical contents from other subjects are linked with the socioeconomic status that cause health problems observed in real-life scenarios. That is why the subject is essential for building knowledge tied to the Community Health perspective that characterizes the Medicine degree in the Arturo Jauretche National University (UNAJ). We used a relational approach that allowed us to have a critical view and contrast the different agents’ perspectives. The scope of analysis were the representations concerning the community and the health-disease-treatment-care process, and the intervention practices in the area where the CAP is located. In the research we found out that teachers and students create a romanticized and homogeneous idea of community which for the community health paradigm serves as a utopia, as opposed to the individualism that characterizes the biomedical knowledge. Students adopt this stand but as it is so homogeneous, it ends up taking the same place the biological body has in the hegemonic medical model. Students approach the community with altruistic motives and consider they have the necessary knowledge to solve its health problems.
Palabras clave
Comunidad, Salud comunitaria, Saber médico, Territorio, Educación médica, Community, community health, medical knowledge, Territory, Medical education
Scaglia, M. C., Albano, D., Osella, N., Percovich, N., Saraceno, M. y Zavalía, D. de (2023). La salud comunitaria en construcción: La experiencia de una asignatura de la carrera de medicina en una universidad del conurbano. Contribuciones de Ciencia y Tecnología, 1(1).