Sistema de Control de tiempo para la liquidación de horas extras del personal operativo
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Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche. Instituto de Ingeniería y Agronomía
El trabajo elaborado para la Práctica Profesional Supervisada fue realizado en la empresa Andreani Grupo Logístico dentro del área IT de Soluciones Corporativas para el sector Gestión de las personas. El mismo consistió en el desarrollo de un Sistema de Control de tiempos para la liquidación de horas extras del personal operativo de la compañía, lo que implicó realizar una aplicación web mediante la cual todos los colaboradores de la operación puedan acceder a través de su celular para registrar las horas diarias trabajadas. El sistema incluyó la automatización de un flujo de aprobación de horas extras, para determinar aquellas horas extras de cada colaborador que fueron aprobadas por los Gerentes y Subgerentes para su liquidación, y un panel de administración en donde el personal de Recursos Humanos (quienes componen el sector de Gestión de las personas), tenga acceso a todos los reportes incluyendo el de horas extras.
Esta necesidad surgió debido a que el proceso que utilizaban para el cálculo era manual y pasaba por muchas personas hasta llegar a la liquidación final. Esto resultaba ineficiente por dos razones: requería mucho tiempo y esfuerzo del área de RR.HH. y era muy probable que se pudiese realizar una fuga de costos, lo que significa un riesgo de pérdida para la compañía.
El objetivo principal del proyecto fue planificar y diseñar la arquitectura final del sistema que debiera ser desarrollada, liderar al equipo de desarrollo de software y acompañarlo en el desarrollo y la supervisión de código. Además, el rol adquirido en el proyecto implicó mantener comunicación con todas las áreas involucradas a fin de llevar a cabo los entregables esperados por parte del negocio.
Con este desarrollo, se logró automatizar el cálculo de horas extras aprobadas y dar validez a su veracidad por el sistema.
The work prepared for the Supervised Professional Practice was carried out at the Andreani Grupo Logístico company within the IT area of Corporate Solutions for the People Management sector. It consisted of the development of a Time Control System for the settlement of overtime for the company's operational staff, which involved creating a web application through which all collaborators of the operation can access through their cell phone. to record daily hours worked. The system included the automation of an overtime approval flow, to determine those overtime hours of each collaborator that were approved by the Managers and Assistant Managers for settlement, and an administration panel where the Human Resources personnel (who make up the People Management sector), have access to all reports including overtime. This need arose because the process they used for the calculation was manual and went through many people until reaching the final settlement. This was inefficient for two reasons: it required a lot of time and effort from the HR area and it was very likely that a cost leak could occur, which means a risk of loss for the company. The main objective of the project was to plan and design the final architecture of the system that should be developed, lead the software development team and accompany them in the development and supervision of code. Furthermore, the role acquired in the project involved maintaining communication with all the areas involved in order to carry out the deliverables expected by the business. With this development, it was possible to automate the calculation of approved overtime and validate its veracity by the system.
The work prepared for the Supervised Professional Practice was carried out at the Andreani Grupo Logístico company within the IT area of Corporate Solutions for the People Management sector. It consisted of the development of a Time Control System for the settlement of overtime for the company's operational staff, which involved creating a web application through which all collaborators of the operation can access through their cell phone. to record daily hours worked. The system included the automation of an overtime approval flow, to determine those overtime hours of each collaborator that were approved by the Managers and Assistant Managers for settlement, and an administration panel where the Human Resources personnel (who make up the People Management sector), have access to all reports including overtime. This need arose because the process they used for the calculation was manual and went through many people until reaching the final settlement. This was inefficient for two reasons: it required a lot of time and effort from the HR area and it was very likely that a cost leak could occur, which means a risk of loss for the company. The main objective of the project was to plan and design the final architecture of the system that should be developed, lead the software development team and accompany them in the development and supervision of code. Furthermore, the role acquired in the project involved maintaining communication with all the areas involved in order to carry out the deliverables expected by the business. With this development, it was possible to automate the calculation of approved overtime and validate its veracity by the system.
Palabras clave
Microservicios, Microfrontends, Desarrollo de Aplicaciones web
Orué, S. A. (2023). Sistema de Control de tiempo para la liquidación de horas extras del personal operativo [Práctica Profesional Supervisada, Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche].